France: First verdicts after protests – Macron meets mayor – politics

According to media reports, French President Emmanuel Macron wants to receive more than 200 mayors on Tuesday who have been particularly affected by the unrest of the past few days. This was reported by the television station BFMTV and the newspaper Le Parisien on Sunday after Macron’s briefing with several ministers. Macron would also like to meet with the Presidents of the Senate and National Assembly on Monday.

France has been shaken by massive riots for days. The trigger was the death of 17-year-old Nahel on Tuesday when a police officer shot him during a traffic check. Since then there have been nightly lootings, arson attacks and violence between police officers and rioters. Hundreds of people were arrested each time.

The sixth night since the youth’s death was apparently a little quieter. Like the newspaper Le Monde reported, by just before midnight on Sunday, only 49 other arrests had been made. The cases are now being dealt with unusually quickly by the French courts. In Lyon alone, three hearings are scheduled for Tuesday – while, according to the newspaper, there is normally only one hearing per day. The allegations are different, such as arson, intentional use of force

Macron met on Sunday evening with Prime Minister Élisabeth Borne, Interior Minister Gérald Darmanin and Justice Minister Éric Dupond-Moretti for a briefing. There was initially no detailed report afterwards.

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