France: Demonstrators set fire to Bordeaux city hall

Pension demonstrations in France
Demonstrators set fire to Bordeaux City Hall

Totally charred: the portal to the forecourt of the historic town hall of Bordeaux in France

© Philippe Lopez / AFP

The dispute over the pension reform in France continues to be fought on the streets. New riots are putting pressure on President Emmanuel Macron and the government.

On the fringes of a demonstration against the pension reform, a fire was kindled in the entrance area of ​​the town hall in Bordeaux, southern France. The portal of a colonnade leading to the forecourt of the town hall was damaged, said a spokeswoman for the responsible prefecture on Thursday evening. A man was arrested.

Riots in other parts of France too

Again, there were riots in other cities in the country during protests against the controversial pension reform. According to Interior Minister Gérald Darmanin, more than 170 people have been arrested. Almost 150 emergency services were injured. There have been attacks on several public buildings. Prime Minister Élisabeth Borne called the violence and damage unacceptable.

Pension reform is considered one of President Emmanuel Macron’s key projects. The government wants to gradually raise the retirement age from 62 to 64 years. In addition, the number of payment years required for a full pension should increase more quickly. This is intended to avert an impending funding gap in the pension fund. The unions consider the project unfair and brutal.


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