France announces the expulsion of six Russian spies operating “under diplomatic cover”
The situation on the map

The context

Live hosted by Solène L’Hénoret and Eléa Pommiers

  • Ukraine announced on Sunday that more than 1,200 bodies had been discovered so far in the kyiv region, site of atrocities committed during the Russian occupation last month. Ukraine’s Prosecutor General Iryna Venediktova also reported 5,600 open investigations for alleged war crimes.
  • Airstrikes and bombing continued on Ukraine: on Sunday, they caused at least two deaths in Kharkov and its suburbs, announced the regional governor, Oleh Synehoubov. On Saturday, ten civilians were killed and at least eleven injured in strikes around and southeast of Kharkiv.
  • HAS Dnipro, a large industrial city of one million inhabitants, a rain of missiles destroyed the local airport, already hit on March 15, local authorities announced. The number of victims is still unknown.
  • In the night from Saturday to Sunday, it is in the region of Mykolaiva hundred kilometers northeast of Odessa, the third largest city in the country and a major strategic port on the Black Sea, that seven missiles had fallen, according to the local military command.
  • A curfew is in effect from Saturday evening until Monday morning at Odessathe major Ukrainian port in the west of the country, on the shores of the Black Sea, facing the ” threatens “ missile strikes, local authorities said.
  • Monday, the Austrian Chancellor, Karl Nehammer will be the first European leader to travel to Moscow since Russia began its invasion of Ukraine on February 24 to meet President Vladimir Putin there.
  • The World Bank published on Sunday evening catastrophic economic forecast for Ukraine and warned of an even bleaker scenario if the conflict bogged down. In 2022, Ukraine’s gross domestic product (GDP) will plunge by 45.1% – much worse than the 10% to 35% projected a month ago by the International Monetary Fund – that of Russia by 11 2%, according to the latest projections from the Washington institution.
  • Sunday, pope francis called from St. Peter’s Square to a “Easter Truce” for “come to peace” in Ukraine and put an end to “a war that every day brings before our eyes heinous massacres and atrocious cruelties committed against defenseless civilians”. As a response, the Patriarch of the Russian Orthodox Church, Kirill, called for “body” around the Kremlin to fight the “enemies without and within” of Russia.
  • More than 4.4 million Ukrainians fled their country since the beginning of the invasion of their country by Russia, on February 24, according to figures from the High Commissioner for Refugees. The United Nations estimates the number of internally displaced persons at 7.1 million.
  • The Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights reported on April 9 that 4,149 civilian casualties in Ukraine, including 1,766 killedstating that “the actual figures are considerably higher, as the receipt of information from some places where intense hostilities are taking place has been delayed, and many reports have yet to be corroborated », especially in Mariupol.

Read all our articles, analyzes and reports on the war in Ukraine

Decryptions. In the Donbass, civilians continue to flee in the face of new Russian threats

Grandstand. “The Americans must take more risks on the military level, the Europeans on the energy level”

Analysis. Between Russia and the West, the ambiguities of a part of the world

Portrait. The world according to Putin: the cross and the banner

Decryption. Kramatorsk massacre sparks international outrage

Grandstand. “One of the first collateral victims of the war in Ukraine is the Visegrad group”

Report. “In my suitcase, I piled up our four lives and, wedged between the socks, the beloved souls of those who remained in Ukraine, in hell”

Chronic. The “Donbass” in “Le Monde”, a region frozen in war

Factual. The weapons that made the difference

Video. In Borodianka, a situation “much more horrible” than in Boutcha

You can find our live yesterday on this link.

“Why is my question not published? “: how “Le Monde” manages contributions in live follow-ups

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