France 4 will not disappear and will “continue its mission”, announces Emmanuel Macron

France 4 will continue its mission. – LODI Franck / SIPA

France 4 finally saved? Emmanuel Macron wished on Tuesday that the public television channel France 4, which was to close in August, “continues its mission” around youth and education, in a published message
on Twitter.

“Animation and education channel, France 4 has taken a special place in homes, especially since the pandemic. I hope that it will continue its mission around two axes: youth during the day, culture in the evening, to prolong the success of the Culturebox experience ”, argued the Head of State. According to the Elysee, it is a question of maintaining the broadcasting of the channel on the hertzian network, which currently occupies channel 14.

A one-year reprieve

The government initially planned to shut down France 4 in the summer of 2020 in favor of 100% digital programs and for the sake of savings for France Télévisions. But he had granted a one-year reprieve to the chain, acclaimed for its educational programs during the closure of schools during the first confinement in spring 2020.

At the beginning of May, forty senators from all sides had called on deputies to “confirm” an amendment voted by the upper house to perpetuate the youth channel, in a column published in the Sunday newspaper.



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