Four injured in accidents on slippery roads – Fürstenfeldbruck

A 30-year-old driver from Moorenweis and a 44-year-old driver from Althegnenberg suffered minor injuries in a traffic accident on the slippery road between Luttenwang and Hörbach. The Fürstenfeldbruck police reported that the 30-year-old came into the opposite lane with his car in a right-hand bend on Thursday and collided with the Althegnenbergerin’s car. The woman tried to dodge, but could not prevent the collision.

Two cyclists fell on an icy road in Gröbenzell and injured themselves. A 69-year-old fell on Von-Branca-Strasse and then complained of hip pain, according to the Olching police. The emergency services also took care of a 74-year-old woman who had pain in her lower leg after falling off her bike on Anzengruberstrasse. The police report that both women went to the doctor themselves afterwards.

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