former Prime Minister Jean-Marc Ayrault supports the New Popular Front despite the “sometimes deep disagreements that remain”

In the event of a relative majority, “we will not be able to change things”, warns Jordan Bardella

Guest of Europe 1 and CNews Tuesday morning, the president of the National Rally (RN), Jordan Bardella, confirmed that he did not wish to become prime minister in the event that the far-right party only has a majority relating to the National Assembly.

“If, tomorrow, the French placed the country in a situation of relative majority, that is to say in a deadlock situation, with a prime minister who would not have an absolute majority, then we would not be able to change the things “he explained, claiming not to “consider being the collaborator of the President of the Republic”. “I want to exercise power but I don’t want power for power’s sake”added the far-right MEP.

On the programmatic side, the president of the RN returned to the programmatic setbacks, in particular on the pension reform or on the abolition of VAT for basic necessities which will be put in place ” in a second time “he said in an interview with Parisian. “There are emergencies and reforms”he explained, specifying that the measure on VAT on basic necessities will be integrated into the finance bill for the year 2025. “I will inherit a near-bankrupt financial situation. Therefore, my duty will be to restore order to the streets of the country, but also to restore order to the State’s accounts”he estimated.

Mr. Bardella also affirmed that if he arrives at Matignon, his “first measure” will be to submit a draft amending finance law “which should lead to a reduction in VAT on energy and fuel”. “We have millions of French people who are no longer able to get around, who are forced to limit their travel and who have seen, over the past two years, electricity bills increase by 45%”, he said. On the program, it notably offers “to lower” France’s contribution to the European Union and he wishes [s’] interest in tax loopholes which are granted to very large companies and which are not justified in view of the social climate”.

Jordan Bardella also confirmed his intention to make ” an audit ” public accounts, estimating: “We’re going to find a lot of dead bodies in the closet!” » “Because, when we lose 0.6 point of deficit between the month of December and the month of April, it is either because the government was amateurish in its calculations, or because it knowingly lied”, he accused, in line with the attacks made a few minutes earlier by Eric Ciotti.

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