Formation of government: traffic light parties begin final spurt of negotiations |

Government formation
Traffic light parties begin the final spurt of negotiations

The top politicians involved give a statement after exploratory talks between the SPD, FDP and Bündnis 90 / Die Grünen. (Archive image) Photo: Kay Nietfeld / dpa

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The coalition negotiations between the SPD, Greens and FDP are heading for the home straight. Now the top teams of the three parties are supposed to settle unresolved conflicts.

The chief negotiators of the SPD, Greens and FDP have started the final phase of their talks on the formation of a joint government.

After political negotiations in 22 working groups, the top teams of the three parties are now supposed to settle unresolved conflicts. “At some point we will also have a government where the items will be clarified, first we do the content,” said Greens boss Robert Habeck on Monday morning in Berlin before the start of the meeting. The SPD chairman Norbert Walter-Borjans said that there were many details. However, there are also opportunities for agreement. FDP leader Christian Lindner said when asked what would be important today: “Everything.”

Opposite the place of negotiation, the Hamburg state representation in Berlin, several dozen demonstrators had taken a stand. They loudly called on the possible future coalition partners to fight climate change and to stand up for human rights.

SPD chancellor candidate Olaf Scholz emphasized that the future traffic light coalition wanted to make all the necessary decisions against the worsening of the corona situation in Germany. “We will continue to receive good advice today, I think that is on a very constructive path, and otherwise, of course, we will contribute in parallel to making all the necessary decisions so that we can keep the infection process under control and make the right decisions in the Bundestag this week to meet », said Scholz. Greens parliamentary group leader Anton Hofreiter said: “I think it is crucial that effective measures are taken, that we get the corona pandemic under control and, in particular, that as many people as possible get vaccinated.”


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