Formation of government: Netherlands: Wilders announces radical change of course

Formation of government
Netherlands: Wilders announces radical change of course

Future coalition partners: From left, Geert Wilders (PVV), Dilan Yesilgoz from the right-wing liberal VVD, Caroline van der Plas from the right-wing populist farmers’ party BBB and Pieter Omtzigt from the new right-wing conservative NSC. photo

© Koen Van Weel/ANP/dpa

The Netherlands is getting a right-wing government that wants to take tough action, especially in asylum policy. But one crucial question still remains unanswered before he takes office.

The right-wing populist Geert Wilders has proposed a radical change of course for the Netherlands announced. “We are writing history today,” said the politician in The Hague when presenting the coalition agreement between four right-wing parties.

For the first time in about 20 years, the right-wing radical politician is in the “center of power,” as he said. “The sun will shine again in the Netherlands.” The leader of the anti-Islam party promised “the strictest asylum policy ever” and a drastic restriction on immigration.

Almost six months ago, Wilders won the parliamentary election with his Party for Freedom (PVV). But he needed at least two partners for a stable majority. The 60-year-old politician had given up the office of prime minister in order to enable a right-wing government. It remains unclear who will become the new head of government. Former Social Democratic Education Minister Ronald Plasterk is being discussed as a candidate.

Four-party coalition wants to declare an “asylum crisis”.

In addition to the PVV, the future government parties are the right-wing liberal VVD of the previous Prime Minister Mark Rutte, the new right-wing conservative NSC and the right-wing populist farmers’ party BBB.

The coalition wants to declare an “asylum crisis” in order to be able to enforce emergency measures. Asylum status is to be limited in time, and restrictions are being announced for family reunification and social assistance. “The Netherlands must structurally belong to the category of member states with the strictest admission rules in Europe,” the paper says. The plans also include relaxing environmental regulations for farmers and eliminating subsidies for sustainable energy.

Move embassy to Jerusalem

The future right-wing coalition also wants to move the country’s embassy in Israel from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem. The coalition agreement states that it should be examined when this could happen. The decision should take diplomatic interests and a possible solution to the Middle East conflict into account.

Relocation of embassies to Jerusalem is internationally controversial because this would potentially also recognize Israel’s annexation of East Jerusalem. Israel claims all of Jerusalem as its capital, while the Palestinians want East Jerusalem as their capital. According to the Dutch coalition agreement, the city’s status will be determined in future peace talks between Israel and the Palestinians

It will probably be another four weeks before the new government can take office. First, Parliament will debate the plans. Then the cabinet must be put together. The previous right-wing liberal Prime Minister Mark Rutte had announced his departure from politics and would become NATO Secretary General.


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