Forecast: Clouds, rain, sun: Everything is there on the Easter weekend

Clouds, rain, sun: everything is there on the Easter weekend

Easter eggs decorate a still bare tree in Hesse. photo

© Uwe Zucchi/dpa

Is an Easter walk in the spring sunshine possible at the weekend? And how are the temperatures developing? What the German Weather Service announces.

The weather has almost everything in its luggage over the Easter weekend. At least according to the German weather service in Offenbach on Friday the temperatures are rising. On Easter Monday, 20 degrees are occasionally possible. Then an Easter walk in a T-shirt or just a thin jacket is also possible. However, the nights are still cool, sometimes even with temperatures below zero.

According to the meteorologists, it will mostly remain dry west of the Rhine and in the far north on Saturday with a change of sun and clouds. In the rest of the country it will be mostly cloudy, and there will be occasional rain and showers, and snow above 1,000 to 1,200 meters. Temperatures will rise to between 8 and 15 degrees, with the highest values ​​along the Rhine. It stays cooler in the higher mountains and by the sea.

Sunday brings longer sunny periods. At first it was cloudy to very cloudy, but mostly dry. In the afternoon the sun comes through widely. The temperatures are between 11 and 15 degrees. It stays cooler in the Alps and by the sea. There are 17 degrees locally on the Rhine.

Easter Monday offers the best prospects. In the southwest, 20 degrees are then occasionally possible. Overall, according to the meteorologists, it will be cloudy with longer sunny periods after the haze and fog fields have cleared. The sun can be seen in the west and northwest, but there are also compact cloud fields and the first raindrops in the evening. The temperatures will be milder overall at 14 to 18 degrees. It stays cooler at the sea.


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