For philosophy, the best score between the continuous assessment and the test will be retained.

Jean-Michel Blanquer visiting a high school in Châteauroux in January 2021 (illustration) – Vincent Loison / SIPA

He tried to respond to the anger of the high school students. Jean-Michel Blanquer announced this Wednesday evening, on the set of the JT of France 2, a development of the baccalaureate philosophy test, in order to take into account the consequences of the health crisis. The final test will indeed be maintained, but it is the best score, between that of this test and that of the continuous assessment, that will be retained.

To take into account the consequences of the health crisis, “the final philosophy test continues to be organized and we will maintain the better of the two marks between the terminal control and the continuous control”, explained Jean-Michel Blanquer on France 2. ” There are many students who have bad grades in continuous assessment and some need the test to catch up, it’s a chance, ”he said.

“It’s normal to arrange”

In addition, concerning the grand oral, of which it is the first version this year, the Minister of Education also wished to put in place adjustments. Students can bring a note from their teacher to point out subjects that could not be covered during the school year. In addition, candidates will be able to keep their notes in hand during their speaking session.

Since November, to break the chains of Covid-19 contamination in institutions, high school students have not been going to school full time. They are in half-gauge, with an alternation of face-to-face and remote classes. “Even if we managed throughout the year to keep the schools and colleges and high schools open or partly open, things were not completely normal, so it is normal to arrange,” said Wednesday The Minister.

Blanquer maintains “his” great oral

Regarding the “flagship” and unprecedented test of the grand oral, Jean-Michel Blanquer has also announced its maintenance. “It would be easier from a practical point of view to cancel it but I think it’s good for the students to practice this. If we created this exercise, it is precisely because this skill is fundamental, knowing how to argue, knowing how to listen, being able to speak quite simply, ”he defended himself.

He said to seek “a really real benevolence towards the pupils, that is to say to allow them to pass a baccalaureate which has its full value, and to allow them to train in what will make them. succeed later ”. For this first bac of the reform introduced by Mr. Blanquer, disrupted by the health crisis, the continuous assessment will represent 82% of the final mark of the examination, the written test of philosophy and that of the grand oral corresponding to the remaining 18%. .



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