For her first big meeting, Valérie Pécresse tries to get rid of her “techno” image

On the right, some pushed her to go further, to put a little more of herself, to give a little flesh to her campaign. For her first big meeting, Valérie Pécresse was under pressure. “She masters all the subjects, but she does not print. She has to take risks. The meeting can be a founding moment to split the armor, ”blows one of his supporters this week. Stagnant in the polls and plagued by internal criticism, the Republican presidential candidate hoped to revive, in front of more than 6,000 supporters present this Sunday at the Zénith de Paris.

“No fatality, neither to the big replacement, nor to the big downgrading”

In the white-hot room, everything is done so that Valérie Pécresse is highlighted. Boosted, the young Republicans set the mood. His former rivals in Congress LR take the floor, but below the stage, and in a succinct way. We must not overshadow the woman of the day. “You know its DNA, its trademark is the results. The courageous right, she is in this room with Valérie Pécresse, she is nowhere else ”, launches into the microphone Xavier Bertrand, the president LR of Hauts-de-France. “The challenge is that France remains France. The time for authority has come. We have with Valérie a woman of courage, who has testified in all circumstances to her commitment to the defense of the Nation”, adds Eric Ciotti, very applauded.

The music resounds, the tricolor flags are agitated. Valérie Pécresse splits the crowd to arrive on stage. ” Finally ! Finally we are all together. I missed you ! Your affection carries me. But from now on, it is to the people of France that I must give myself”. Candidate LR first talks about her project and paints a portrait of her “new France”.

Meeting of Valérie Pécresse at the Zénith de Paris. – Olivier Juszczak/20Minutes

“For ten years, our rulers have damaged France, we are at a crossroads. [Mais] there is no fatality, neither to the big replacement, nor to the big downgrading. I call you suddenly. Five years was too much. Ten years will be too late, ”she says, in an attack on Eric Zemmour and Emmanuel Macron. The former polemicist of Cnews, elbow to elbow in the polls, is, with the Head of State, the main target of the former Minister of Higher Education. “I defend the French identity, the real one, because France is not a nostalgia, it is an energy. To be French is not to resign oneself, it is to get up again. »

“My dear compatriots, you have the right to know who I am”

For more than an hour, the Chiraquienne unrolls her text, reading her teleprompter in a way that is sometimes too mechanical. The former enarque also tries a few more personal words at the end of the speech. “My dear compatriots, you have the right to know who I am. I was born on July 14… ”The objective: to respond to those who consider his campaign too “technical” and “technocratic”, like Rachida Dati, well present in the front row. The candidate therefore evokes her personal history and her family, in a softer voice. “Since childhood, France has flowed in my veins. The France of popular balls, fireworks and the Tour de France, ”she continues. But the candidate does not seem really comfortable with the exercise and refuses to mention “her scars”. “They belong only to me and mine. With this modesty I will not compromise,” she said.

Enough to embody and sweep away the too “techno” image of this start to the campaign? Despite the satisfaction of the tenors of the right, all present in Paris, it is still early to say. Especially since a member of the family was conspicuous by his absence this Sunday at the Zenith. Nicolas Sarkozy, who is not tender with his former minister in private, is still slow to support it publicly. Quoting the former head of state on several occasions, Valérie Pécresse will however have tried everything, this Sunday, to obtain his future blessing.

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