Footballer Pablo Mari, stabbed in a shopping center, says he “saw a person die”

Pablo Mari considers “to have been lucky”, late Thursday afternoon in a shopping center near Milan, where he was shopping with his child. The 29-year-old Spanish defender playing at Monza (Serie A) was attacked with a knife by a 46-year-old man suffering from psychiatric disorders and arrested a few moments after the attack.

An employee of the Carrefour hypermarket in Assago (Italy) was killed, and four seriously injured are currently being treated in a hospital in Milan, including Pablo Mari. His days are not in danger, despite “a fairly deep wound in the back”. The player on loan from Arsenal, with whom he played 22 professional games from 2020 to 2022, described the tragedy on Thursday evening to The Gazzetta dello Sportfrom his hospital bed.

“I had my baby inside the cart”

“I was with the cart and my baby inside then I felt excruciating pain in my back,” says Pablo Mari. This man then stabbed another man in the throat. Today I was lucky, because I saw a person die in front of me. »

He quickly received a visit from Adriano Galliani (ex-AC Milan), the general manager at Monza, as well as his coach Raffaele Palladino. The Serie A club also left a message of support for its player on Twitter: “Dear Pablo, we are all here by your side and those of your family, we love you. Keep fighting like you know how to, you are a warrior and you will heal soon.

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