follow the television interview with Emmanuel Macron after difficult senatorial elections for Renaissance

“For me, the Senate represents stability in the legislative power and a little conservatism, that’s probably its role”, testifies Pierre, 53, who came to rest in the sun with his partner, Sunday afternoon, at the edge of the large fountain in the Luxembourg garden, just under the windows of the Senate. He remembered “vaguely that we would renew the Senate today”but knows the indirect electoral process which allows it. “So for me, there are no issues this Sunday. And ultimately this inertia is normal and commendable because the goal is to represent the territories”adds this executive in a large company.

When the one who says himself “fairly close politically to the presidential camp” looking at the past legislative year, he still finds something to criticize the Senate, or rather the majority right-wing senators and their leader, Bruno Retailleau: “Like many I thought that the senators would rather balance the discussions on pensions, unlike the deputies, where it was only protest postures. But ultimately, I found that the LR majority did not play its role of balancing powers, which is not reassuring for the future. »

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