Florida passes controversial law on teaching LGBT+ issues in schools

The Florida Senate passed a controversial law on Tuesday that bans teaching about gender identity and sexual orientation in public elementary schools. A decision that could harm young people in the LGBT + community according to its detractors.

Nicknamed by its opponents “Don’t say gay”, the text which has yet to be signed by the Republican Governor of Florida, Ron DeSantis, favorable to the initiative, applies to the classes of kindergarten to CE2 where the children are between 8 and 9 years old.

Law bars teachers from discussing gender identity and sexual orientation ‘in a manner inappropriate for students’ age or development’, language that critics say could extend scope to school children older. The Republicans, however, ensure that the law does not prohibit spontaneous discussions on these subjects between teachers and students but only the inclusion of courses in school programs.

Hundreds of students demonstrate

“Florida leaders have decided that laws based on hate and discrimination are more important than our students recovering from the pandemic,” US Education Secretary Miguel Cardona tweeted on Tuesday.

The LGBT+ advocacy group, Equality Florida, accused “parliamentarians of siding with hate mobs hurling anti-LGBTQ slurs at people simply seeking sanctuary at school where they can be who they are.” are without hiding. Hundreds of students had demonstrated against this law in recent days in front of the Florida Parliament in Tallahassee.

The Conservatives’ Onslaught

The conservatives of this state in the south-east of the United States have been leading an offensive for several months in the educational field. The Florida House of Representatives adopted a law on February 24 restricting teaching on race-related subjects in public schools.

The text aims without naming it “the critical theory of race”, which analyzes racism as a system with its laws and logics of power, rather than at the level of individual prejudices.

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