Flood in Bavaria: More than 3,000 farms affected by flood disaster – Bavaria

The Farmers’ Association in Bavaria (BBV) has made an initial estimate of how much agricultural land was affected by the floods: more than 55,000 hectares of fields and meadows were flooded. More than 3,000 farms suffered from the floods. More than 50 farms had to be evacuated.

Agriculture in the administrative districts of Swabia and Upper Bavaria was most affected, said BBV spokesman Markus Drexler. However, further significant damage was also caused along the Danube in Upper Palatinate and Lower Bavaria. Arable land, grassland and special crops were affected differently in different regions. Locally there were total losses.

On Tuesday, Prime Minister Markus Söder (CSU) announced that the Free State would increase the amount of aid for the flood disaster from 100 to 200 million euros. Farms can also apply for financial support. Experts assume that it is hardly possible to harvest anything, especially in areas that are often flooded for days. The water could have introduced pollutants into the soil. There is also a risk that diseases and rot will develop.

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