Five new corona cases at FC Bayern – Captain Neuer affected

Corona alarm at Bayern: National goalkeeper Manuel Neuer and three other players from the German record champions were infected with the corona virus less than a week before the start of the second half of the season. The autumn master announced this on Saturday evening.

In addition to Neuer, the pros Kingsley Coman, Corentin Tolisso and Omar Richards also tested positive. All players are doing well, reported the club. This also applies to the assistant trainer Dino Toppmöller, who also tested positive. All five infected people are in quarantine at home.

Neuer: “I’m fine so far”

Neuer reported via Instagram: “I will be in quarantine for the next few days because I have tested positive for Corona,” he wrote and added: “Thank you for all wishes for recovery! I’m doing pretty well so far, luckily I only have mild symptoms. Take care and stay healthy! “

Neuer had been to the Maldives. Coman (Dubai) and Tolisso (France) also apparently got infected while on vacation.

Preparation now only starts on Monday

The FC Bayern team will only start preparing for the second half this Monday. The first game of the Munich team will take place next Friday against Borussia Mönchengladbach.

The start of training was originally planned for Sunday. As a result of the adaptation of the test and hygiene concept to the current pandemic situation, all players, coaches and staff members would now be PCR tested on Monday morning.

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