First three patients transferred Saturday from Martinique to Paris

The first three patients hospitalized due to Covid-19 in Martinique will be transferred to Paris on Saturday in a medical flight. Benjamin Garel, director of the CHU of Fort-de-France, confirmed this Thursday to Agence France-Presse.

These transfers come as the Martinican hospital services are saturated by the fourth wave of the epidemic and that a new confinement will be imposed on the island from Friday 7 p.m. for a period of at least three weeks.

During the day, you will need a certificate to travel more than 10 km from home. Restaurants and gyms in particular are closing, but not most businesses. In Guadeloupe, a curfew has also been introduced.

Saturation of hospital services

“We are worried, the health situation is worsening and the Covid-19 figures are exploding,” Olivier Coudin, deputy director of the Regional Health Agency (ARS), and Stanislas Cazelles, prefect of Martinique assured Wednesday.

“This increase has repercussions on the number of admissions to emergencies, hospitalization and intensive care: the CHUM (University Hospital of Martinique) has reached a level of saturation”, also specified a press release from the prefecture of Martinique.

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