First headbanger school in Germany: shaking your head with instructions

Head shaking under guidance? Our author went to Germany’s first headbanger school for a private lesson. She learned that the head movement starts with the feet, felt her neck muscles for the first time and even as a non-Metal fan she found the perfect music for headbanging.

The lesson begins with a bang. No, you can’t headbang to indie pop, explains the teacher, headbanger coach Gerald Wolf. “The music has too little power, it looks strange.” I was afraid I would look weird anyway. That not necessarily my favorite music genres would be in focus, too. However, the following words calm me down a bit: “It doesn’t matter if you’re not heavy metal fans. It’s about fun and technique,” says Gerald Wolf to us schoolgirls. In March of this year, the 49-year-old musician founded “Hair Force One” in the Lower Franconian town of Aschaffenburg, which he says is the world’s first headbanger school.

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