Fire department in Glonn celebrates birthday – Ebersberg

The Glonner fire brigade is celebrating its 150th anniversary this weekend with a great program for young and old. From culture on Friday with the Brettl tips about a party on Saturday where the Stoabuckl Music from the southern district, to a traditional Sunday with brass band music from the Glonner music there is a lot to do. There are also classic delicacies in the beer tent, cakes, kettle meat on Mondays, as well as Wildbräu beer and wine from the Lake Garda region.

The founding celebration of the Glonner fire brigade starts on Friday, July 1st, with the Brettl tips of the Bavarian Radio, a Volkssänger revue that can now also be experienced live. The Brettl-Spitzen want to show the musical Bavarian attitude to life in all facets: “tradition-conscious and close to home, but also young and fresh, with new aspects again and again”.

According to the announcement, a star cast will be guests in Glonn, presented by Jürgen Kirner. His too Couplet AG plays satirical. As guests from Lower Bavaria, there is the elemental vocal power of the trio peasant sigh to experience. “When they enter the stage, the Brettl-Spitzen fans feel just as happy as when the young and highly talented audience favorite Tobi Boeck intones his hits.” With a powerful voice, he pulls out all the stops of his ability for the first time in Glonn. On the Saitn are also part of the party. The grandiose women’s quartet is one of the renowned figureheads of the large musical Brettl-Spitzen family. “Together, all these artists guarantee an unforgettable evening rocking Glonn.”

Tickets for Friday evening are available in advance at the Website the Glonner fire brigade and at Rad&Spiel Attenberger in Glonn. Remaining tickets at the box office. Entry costs 25 euros.

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