Fire brigade reacts to Nagelsmann’s statement: “We are dismayed”

Fire brigade reacts to Nagelsmann’s statement: “We are dismayed”

Julian Nagelsmann Bayern Munich Villarreal

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A flippant remark by Bayern coach Julian Nagelsmann at a press conference is not well received by the fire department.

The chairman of the Bavarian Fire Brigade Association, Johann Eitzenberger, criticized the statements made by Bayern coach Julian Nagelsmann at a press conference. “We are dismayed by the statement because it discredits the commitment of our rescuers,” said Eitzenberger picture. “We would like to invite Mr. Nagelsmann to take a look at a volunteer fire department in Bavaria to clear up any misunderstandings.”

At the press conference ahead of the game against Borussia Dortmund, Bayern coach Nagelsmann was asked whether the players would sit back and relax if they won the title early. “That’s our job too. We’re not volunteers. We can’t make up our minds. We’re in the mood! We’re not with the Südgiesing volunteer fire brigade, but with FC Bayern Munich. And that’s about being in trying to put in a decent performance in every game,” Nagelsmann replied.

The words did not go down well with Eitzenberger. “In Bavaria, 320,000 volunteer firefighters are on duty 24 hours a day with an hourly wage of EUR 0.00. They are on duty every 2.5 minutes.”, he said.

Advice to Nagelsmann: “Think first, then talk”

The ex-president of the German Fire Brigade Association, Hartmut Ziebs, also responded to Nagelsmann’s statement. “In contrast to highly paid football professionals, the firefighters only have one chance to save lives. For us there is no second leg. The more than one million volunteer firefighters in Germany deliver a top performance every day without being paid,” countered Ziebs at the picture.

“Therefore, Mr. Nagelsmann should reconsider whether he can better motivate his players with the spirit of the volunteer firefighters. His statement that FC Bayern is not the volunteer fire brigade of Südgiesing disqualifies professional football. Think first, then talk,” advised Ziebs the Bayern coach yet.


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