find the main announcements presented by Eric Dupond-Moretti

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1:00 p.m. : The Minister of Justice, Eric Dupond-Moretti, this morning unveiled an action plan resulting from the Estates General of Justice. Increase in the justice budget, “sanctuarized” recruitment, overhaul of the criminal procedure… Here is what to remember from the measures of the action plan for justice.


12:21 p.m. : Asked about the indicator that would allow Eric Dupond-Moretti to say, in four years, that his planis a success”or not, the Minister replied: “Speed ​​in closeness.” He also hopes that the justice orientation and programming bill will be “set up at spring”.

12:24 p.m. : At noon, here is a new point on the news of the day:

Emmanuel Macron asks energy suppliers to “renegotiate” in January the “excessive contracts” of the very small enterprises concerned. Follow our live.

While the liberal doctors are demonstrating this afternoon in Paris, the Minister of Health says to himself “ready to increase the price of the consultation as soon as the needs of the French are met”. However, François Braun does not specify an amount.

EricDupond-Moretti has been presenting his action plan for justice since the start of the morning. What to remember? The budget will increase from 9.6 to 11 billion euros in 2027, the timeframes for civil proceedings will have to be halved on average by the end of the five-year term, and the wearing of body cameras by prison guards will be generalized.

Benedict XVI’s funeral ends at the Vatican. His wooden coffin left St. Peter’s Square to the applause of the faithful. The pope emeritus is now to be buried in the crypt where his predecessor, John Paul II, lay.

11:21 a.m. : That’s it, the Minister of Justice has finished presenting his 60 measures. If you have not followed everything, we are obviously preparing a complete article for you on the main lines of what to remember.

11:24 : The Minister of Justice announces the generalization of wearing body cameras for prison guards. “This equipment is likely to provide them with the security that is due to them, and to ease the tensions within the detention.”

11:25 a.m. : The procedural code will also be rewritten. “It is not a question of overhauling the main principles”, promises the Minister of Justice, but “modernize” a procedural bible that has become, according to the report of the Estates General, “exceedingly complex [et] illegible”.

In particular, this will involve a “simplification of survey frameworks” in accordance with the wishes of the police.

11:01 a.m. : Another simplification announced by the Keeper of the Seals: the Minister of Justice announces the establishment of fixed fines in electronic version for all contraventions.

11:25 a.m. : To achieve this, the Minister wants to develop a culture of regulation at “amicable”. He called for a “true software change for civil justice” which represents 60% of judicial activity (divorce, employee-employer conflict, etc.).

11:40 a.m. : “My objective is that at the end of the five-year period, the timeframes for civil proceedings are on average halved”, promises the Minister.

10:49 : For “bring closer” Citizens of Justice, the Minister announces the creation of a smartphone application on which you will find the addresses of courts, lawyers, notaries. “From 2024, it will be possible for a victim to request compensation through this means or to form legal aid”.

10:43 am : The Minister also wishes “a more reactive organization of human resources”. Put another way, “in case of imperative need”reinforcements may be sent “very quickly in a troubled jurisdiction, in a short period of time.”

10:39 : Eric Dupond-Moretti promises a “zero paper” Ministry of Justice for 2027 : “This will go through a digital transformation plan.”

10:40 a.m. : “The means will allow, among other things, to upgrade the people of the ministry, to continue and finalize the plan for 150,000 prison places, to modernize and enlarge the courthouses and to recruit massively to strengthen the workforce.”

10:41 a.m. : Eric Dupond-Moretti confirms what franceinfo announced to you a little earlier in the morning. It undertakes to increase the Justice budget from 9.6 to 11 billion euros in 2027. “Thus, at the end of the two five-year terms, the Justice budget will have increased by almost 60%”.

10:27 : A few minutes late, Eric Dupond-Moretti began to present his action plan for justice. You can follow the announcements of the Keeper of the Seals live video here.

09:23 : Announcements from the Keeper of the Seals start at 10 a.m. You can watch them live here..

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