find out which celebrity was hiding under the mask of the monkey

There are only three left…and in the end, only one will remain. No, it’s not the epilogue of yet another season of Koh Lanta, unless the next season has the surprise of singing adventurers in costume, but that’s unlikely. The penultimate episode of Mask Singeron TF1, opened the doors to the season finale, scheduled for October 11.

On the occasion of this new episode of “the biggest television investigation in France”, a mystery character appeared at the start of the evening for an express investigation. Quickly identified by Vitaa under the mask of the tigress, Inès Reg then joined the bench of investigators.

No surprise behind the mask of the monkey

The four characters still in progress, namely the elephant, the monkey, the rose and the turtle then opposed each other in order to win their ticket for the grand final scheduled for next week. After four performances, it was finally the monkey who was eliminated at the door of the last stage of the competition.

His identity was an open secret since the launch of the show since the investigator quartet had quickly been put on the track of the singer Alizée, interpreter of the tube Me… Lolita. During the unmasking, it is the artist who appeared for the first time on the small screen in the show star seeds and having won the fourth season of Dance with the stars who hid under the features of the amusing primate.

“The first time my name came out, I was a little disappointed,” testified the singer once the mask was removed. She still confided her joy at having reached the semi-final and interpreted the title dj by Diam’s. “I love my monkey very much and I loved bringing it to life through the paintings,” she said. It is therefore ultimately the elephant, which the investigators suspect of being the singer Keen V, the bride and the turtle, whose identities are in dispute, who will oppose each other in the grand finale on October 11.

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