Finances: Negotiations on the EU budget for 2022 end with no results for the time being

Negotiations on the EU budget for 2022 are currently unsuccessful

Flags of the European Union blow in the wind in front of the Berlaymont building of the European Commission in Brussels. (Archive image) Photo: Arne Immanuel Bänsch / dpa

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How much money should the EU plan in 2022? Representatives of the governments of the member states and the European Parliament argue about this question. The time for a timely agreement is running out.

In the dispute over the billion-dollar EU budget for the coming year, mediation talks have not led to any result for the time being.

Representatives of the governments of the member states and the European Parliament split late Friday evening after hours of negotiations without an agreement. The talks must now continue on Monday, as announced by the Slovenian EU Council Presidency. If there is no agreement by midnight, the EU Commission must present a new draft budget.

One of the points of contention in the negotiations is the question of how much money can be planned in 2022. The EU Parliament asked for an amount of 171.8 billion euros, while the member states only wanted to approve 167.7 billion euros.

Hopes postponed to Monday

From the German negotiating circles it was said that the postponement is now that Monday will succeed in forging a mutually viable compromise. The aim remains to address the ongoing challenges in the area of ​​economic recovery as well as climate protection, migration and security and to increase spending on corresponding programs.

At the same time, it is important to note that unused contributions to the financing costs of the Corona reconstruction program “Next Generation EU” should be used for the repayment of liabilities during the term of the multi-year financial framework from 2021 to the end of 2027. This is how the heads of state and government decided and this was also agreed in the so-called own funds decision between the EU states, the European Parliament and the Commission.

More money than ever for European projects

It was also pointed out that in 2022, as a result of the “Next Generation EU” reconstruction program, more money would be available than ever for the financing of European projects. The EU’s multi-year Corona reconstruction program provides for aid totaling 800 billion euros after adjusted prices. They are made available in addition to funds from the normal Community budget. In the latter, the member states want to pay in around 1,074 billion euros in the EU financial period from 2021 to the end of 2027.


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