Final result of the election in Poland: PiS is the strongest party, but the opposition has a majority

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As of: October 17, 2023 10:26 a.m

According to the official final results, the national-conservative PiS became the strongest force in the election in Poland – but it did not achieve an absolute majority in parliament. Now the hour could come for second-placed Donald Tusk.

According to the official final result, the ruling national-conservative PiS became the strongest force in the parliamentary elections in Poland with 35.38 percent, but fell short of an absolute majority. Opposition leader Tusk’s liberal-conservative electoral alliance KO received 30.7 percent of the vote. The center alliance Third Way got 14.4 percent, the New Left got 8.61 and the right-wing extremist confederation got 7.16 percent.

Former Prime Minister and former EU Council President Donald Tusk had already expressed optimism that he would emerge as the actual winner of the election on Sunday evening after forecasts were published. “I have never been so happy about second place. Poland has won, democracy has won, that is the end of the PiS government,” he said on Sunday. Together with allied opposition parties, he has a majority.

There is none for the PiS coalition partner in sight

Jaroslaw Kaczynski, chairman of the PiS and winner of the election evening, could not be happy about the election victory on Sunday. The PiS once again emerged from the election as the strongest force – now also according to the final result. But overall it is not enough for a government majority. There is also no coalition partner in sight.

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