Fight against pests
Federal government takes action against Japanese beetles
First Italy and Switzerland, now the Japanese beetle could also nest in Germany. This would be a catastrophe for orchards and vineyards. The federal government is now taking action against this.
The pest appeared in the Swiss border town of Basel at the beginning of July and is a particular threat to Baden-Württemberg and southern Germany. It is a particular threat to agriculture and forestry, as it attacks the leaves, flowers and fruits of more than 300 plant species.
Prevention instead of fighting
The federal states are responsible for monitoring and combating the beetles on site. In Baden-Württemberg, for example, green material and soil from the infested area and the buffer zone may only be transported under strict conditions due to the higher risk. In addition, regular surveys are carried out in all federal states using special attractant traps.
Once the insect has settled in, it becomes difficult to remove. Experience from countries such as Italy shows that the Japanese beetle can spread naturally by up to ten kilometers per year within the first few years. “This must be prevented,” stresses Bernhard Schäfer from the Julius Kühn Institute (JKI). The Japanese beetle could also be introduced into Germany as a “stowaway” on vehicles or with plants and plant parts such as a bouquet of flowers, says the head of the JKI Institute for Plant Health Issues in Braunschweig.
Returnees from affected regions should check vehicles and luggage
The Federal Ministry is therefore appealing to citizens. They should immediately report any suspected infestation to the plant protection service of the respective federal state. They should also catch any suspicious beetles and hand them over to the authorities in a sealed container. In addition, those returning from heavily infested regions – such as northern Italy and southern Switzerland – should check their vehicles and luggage thoroughly. They should not bring plants, cut flowers, vegetables or fruit from these regions into the country.
The Japanese beetle (Popillia japonica), which comes from Asia, is classified in the European Union as a pest that can cause particularly severe damage. The animals attack orchards, vineyards, forests, green spaces and gardens. The larvae also attack roots, which can lead to the extinction of the plants. There are no natural enemies in this country.
The beetle is only about one centimeter long, has a metallically shiny green head and brown wings. It is notable for its five white tufts of hair on each side of the abdomen and two white tufts of hair at the end of the abdomen.