Fifa rejects the appeal of Algeria, which wanted to replay its play-off against Cameroon

The Fennecs are sent back to their lair. The appeal filed by Algeria following its elimination in the play-off from the World Cup has been rejected by FIFA, according to a letter from the body made public on Saturday by the Algerian Federation.

On March 31, she announced the introduction of an appeal and asked to replay the match because of the “scandalous arbitration” of Gambian Bakary Gassama during the 2-1 defeat against Cameroon. But the FIFA Referees Committee rejected this request.

“We regret that, according to your assessment, the decisions of the referees could have negatively influenced the course of the match. We have taken good note of the elements of your letter and we can already guarantee that all the incidents that occurred during the match have been carefully examined by the two video referees, ”wrote the commission. The supporters had demonstrated several times in front of the FIFA headquarters in Zurich. For nothing.

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