Felix Neureuther at the Olympics: the visionary speaks again – sport

Listening to skiers is often worthwhile. For example, Linus Straßer said after his seventh place in the Olympic slalom: “You usually lose more often than you win – except for Bayern,” which is of course particularly nice because Straßer starts for TSV 1860 Munich. Straßer’s run was then analyzed on ARD by former slalom driver Felix Neureuther – from the hotel room.

After a positive corona test last Sunday, he is in quarantine, and while he was discussing Straßer’s goal (line not as narrow as with French Noël), Neureuther presented a composition on the wall behind him that oscillated somewhere between action art and student digs.

In fact: Dubai already has a ski hall

The ARD team, according to TV studio circles, repeatedly asked him about the simple pictures in the background, so he “painted a Mona Lisa himself” because he was bored. A real da Vinci alpine, in other words, the paintings “Olympia” (Edouard Manet) or “The Hunters in the Snow” (Pieter Bruegel the Elder) would of course also have been possible.

Neureuther wrote the word “slalom” in Chinese and Arabic on A4 sheets of paper, and before you were done wondering why it was in Arabic, he explained: because the Winter Games will definitely soon be held in the Arabic region. And before you make fun of the unsavory artist, quickly google “Ski Race Arabia” and find out: Dubai already has a ski hall.

An official Fis race of the so-called “Entry League” took place there last November. Felix Neureuther: once again more a representative of realism than of romanticism.

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