Federal government is apparently examining “Taurus” delivery to Kiev

Status: 08/11/2023 01:02 a.m

The German government has apparently given up its refusal to deliver “Taurus” cruise missiles to Ukraine. The prerequisite is that the target programming of the “Taurus” is restricted.

According to a media report, the federal government is examining how Germany can supply Ukraine with “Taurus” cruise missiles from Bundeswehr stocks in the coming months. According to “Spiegel” information, talks are being held between the Ministry of Defense and the defense industry.

The House of Minister Boris Pistorius asked the “Taurus” manufacturer to limit the target programming of the air-to-ground cruise missile. Such a restriction of the system is quite possible, reports the “mirror”, citing industry circles. But it will take a few weeks.

Scholz wants to rule out deployment on Russian territory

Chancellor Olaf Scholz wanted to use technical modifications to prevent Ukraine from launching attacks on Russian territory with the long-range weapon systems. Scholz only wants to approve the “Taurus” delivery when he is convinced of the restriction, it is said. But he no longer has any fundamental doubts about the idea.

Just a week ago, Defense Minister Pistorius ruled out an immediate delivery, but did not categorically reject it. “The time for a decision has not yet come for us,” he said. The concerns about the delivery are obvious. “We’re not the only ones who don’t deliver. Our American allies don’t deliver these cruise missiles either. Ours have a special range.”

First request from Ukraine in May

The “Taurus” is equipped with its own engine and multiple navigation systems that allow autonomous low-level flight through enemy territory. This means that cruise missiles can be fired from fighter planes in war and hit and destroy targets up to 500 kilometers away. As early as May, the government in Kiev had asked the federal government to supply “Taurus”, which had been ruled out at the time.

But for a few days the debate within the traffic light government about a possible delivery has been picking up speed. With the budget politician Andreas Schwarz, an SPD politician spoke out in favor of a delivery for the first time last Sunday.

Schwarz assumes that Ukraine will keep its promise not to use western weapon systems for attacks on Russian territory. “Even with the already delivered ‘Mars’ and ‘Himars’ artillery systems, the Ukrainians could reach Russian territory, which has been avoided so far,” he told Der Spiegel. The Greens defense politician Agnieszka Brugger made a similar statement.

“Time to give the green light”

The FDP defense expert Marie-Agnes Strack-Zimmermann also spoke out in favor of the delivery of the cruise missiles to Ukraine. “We have enough Taurus. A good part is ready for immediate use. Ukraine needs them urgently. And it’s time to give the green light,” said the chair of the Bundestag Defense Committee on Thursday at Phoenix.

“I think the problem is back in the Chancellery, where they’re trying not to let the topic pop up. I find it very annoying that we’re having a discussion again that reminds me a lot of the discussion about supplying tanks.”

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