Federal government: Economics Minister Habeck has Corona

federal government
Economics Minister Habeck has Corona

Robert Habeck on Tuesday in Vienna. Photo: Tobias Steinmaurer/APA/dpa

© dpa-infocom GmbH

Robert Habeck has just been on a trip abroad – now he has to conduct his official business from his home office: the Minister of Economic Affairs has tested positive for the corona virus.

Federal Minister of Economics Robert Habeck (Greens) tested positive for Covid-19 on Wednesday. This was announced by a spokeswoman for the minister in Berlin. Both a rapid test and a PCR test were positive.

Habeck has cold symptoms, the spokeswoman reported. He went into isolation in accordance with the legal requirements. All presence appointments would be cancelled. Habeck takes care of official business from home. The minister had already been represented by State Secretary for Economic Affairs Patrick Graichen at an appointment with Construction Minister Klara Geywitz (SPD) at noon.

Baerbock feels the consequences of the infection

A month after her corona infection, Federal Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock is still suffering from the consequences. “It really knocked me down, despite quadruple vaccination. I was flat for two weeks. I can hardly walk more than two floors now,” said the Green politician to the magazine “Stern”. “I can only appeal: wear a mask where necessary and test, test, test,” added the 41-year-old.

Baerbock had tested positive for the corona virus during a visit to Pakistan in early June and had also developed clear flu symptoms. She then canceled appointments and other stops on her trip. Originally, she also wanted to visit Greece and Turkey. Baerbock then flew back to Berlin under isolation conditions.


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