Federal Assembly: SPD leadership calls for Steinmeier’s re-election

Federal Assembly
SPD leadership calls for Steinmeier’s re-election

Federal President Frank-Walter Steinmeier. Photo: Britta Pedersen/dpa

© dpa-infocom GmbH

The Federal Assembly meets tomorrow. Federal President Frank-Walter Steinmeier is standing for re-election. The Social Democrats praise the 66-year-old’s leadership in the highest tones.

One day before the Federal Assembly, the SPD leadership called for Federal President Frank-Walter Steinmeier to be re-elected.

“This re-election means the continuity of a very, very good administration,” said party leader Saskia Esken before a parliamentary group meeting in Berlin. The country urgently needs this continuity in view of multiple crises.

Party leader Lars Klingbeil explained: “We live in polarized times and I fear that this polarization will not decrease in the next few years. The Federal President needs someone who is able to build bridges, who is able to bring people together, who is also able to find a language that holds the country together and unites it. We have this person in Frank-Walter Steinmeier.”

The Federal Assembly meets in Berlin on Sunday to elect a new Federal President. Steinmeier’s re-election is considered certain. He was nominated by the traffic light parties SPD, Greens and FDP and by the CDU/CSU opposition, which together have a large majority in the assembly. Against Steinmeier, the Left is the physician Gerhard Trabert (65), the AfD the economist Max Otte (57) and the Free Voters the physicist Stefanie Gebauer (41).


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