Fatal attack at Neuschwanstein Castle – Bavaria

A man attacked two women near Neuschwanstein Castle in the Allgäu. One of the women died. This was confirmed by the Kempten public prosecutor’s office on Thursday when asked by the SZ. The crime had already occurred on Wednesday afternoon, as a result of which there was a large-scale police operation in the vicinity of the world-famous attraction.

According to the current state of investigation, the act happened on the Marienbrücke, which leads close to the castle over the Pollat ​​Gorge. According to the Kempten public prosecutor’s office, a 30-year-old man met two women aged 21 and 22 on Wednesday afternoon. The man attacked and choked the 21-year-old, and the 22-year-old wanted to intervene. In the ensuing scuffle, the woman fell over the bridge railing and fell down the slope. Prosecutors suspect sexual assault; The investigation should now show more details.

After the crime, the man apparently fled, but was soon caught. He has been in custody ever since. The police initially did not want to provide any information on the course of the crime on Thursday, but a press release is expected for the course of the day. According to the local news portal all in 25 police patrols, a rescue helicopter and two police helicopters were in action on Wednesday afternoon.

Neuschwanstein Castle in Schwangau is one of the most famous and most visited sights in Germany. The historic Marienbrücke is a popular meeting point for tourists because it offers a good view of the castle.

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