Fashion Week: Berlin Fashion Week as a sign of freedom

Fashion Week
Berlin Fashion Week as a sign of freedom

Finnish designer Sofia Ilmonen will be showing her creations at the start of Fashion Week. Photo: Jens Kalaene/dpa-Zentralbild/dpa

© dpa-infocom GmbH

Is it possible to put on a catwalk show in times of war? Berlin’s Governing Mayor Franziska Giffey gives a clear answer.

The big catwalk shows have started at the Berlin Fashion Week. At the start, the Finnish designer Sofia Ilmonen showed her designs in the power plant. The evening was also influenced by the war in Ukraine.

A minute’s silence commemorated the victims at Fashion Week on Monday evening. A silent auction is also intended to collect donations for Caritas, as the organizers of the Mercedes-Benz Fashion Week had announced.

Model Franziska Knuppe and the former Governing Mayor of Berlin, Michael Müller (SPD), attended the start of the big catwalk shows.

Berlin’s Governing Mayor Franziska Giffey (SPD) thinks the decision to hold the fashion week in Ukraine despite the war was the right one.

“We’ve all had discussions about this: how do you deal with it?” Giffey said. Could such an event be allowed to take place even if everyone was shocked and appalled, if everyone was helping where they could? «And I tell you: Yes, you can. And now you can even more.”

Fashion is always political

With the fashion week, they also set an example for art, culture, creativity and freedom, said Giffey. You could all together also send a sign of solidarity and compassion, cooperation, help and freedom to Ukraine.

The Berlin Fashion Week combines several events. The large catwalk in the power plant was to be opened on Monday evening. In the coming days, signs of solidarity with Ukraine are also to be set. Fundraisers are planned.

“Fashion is always political,” said Giffey. Fashion used to be political too. «Think of the Jacobean hat, which represented freedom and independence. Think of the purple colors of the women’s movement.” She also recalled the peace sign or colors that people associate with a political message. “And that’s why this fashion week is also political. It’s a sign of unity.”


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