Fashion retailer Klingel gives up – economy

It has existed for 100 years, and now the mail order company has to give up Klingel. Consumer restraint, increased costs and IT changes were too much for the company.

The mail order company Klingel, known primarily for fashion, will cease operations at the end of January 2024 due to insolvency. The company announced on Monday in Pforzheim that no investor had been found for the group. Customers could continue to order and should receive their goods. “The processing of returns and all other services are also guaranteed until spring 2024,” it said. Suppliers and service providers would continue to be paid in the self-administration process.

The more than 1300 remaining employees of K – Mail Order GmbH & Co. KG were informed about the decision of the creditors’ committee. Those responsible had held talks with the employee representatives in the past few days and concluded a social plan and reconciliation of interests. In May, the 100th year after its founding, the mail order company filed for insolvency proceedings under self-administration. The reasons given included the significant reluctance to consume since the beginning of the war in Ukraine, significantly increased costs for catalog production and mailing, for example, and a necessary conversion of the IT systems in the second half of 2022.

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