Family: Relief for children and parents in assisted living

Relief for children and parents in assisted living

So far, for example, a single mother has had to give up to 25 percent of her income from training or other activities to the youth welfare office. Photo: Marcel Kusch/dpa

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Green light from the federal cabinet for the abolition of the so-called collection of costs in child and youth welfare – among other things, it affects single mothers and fathers who are cared for with their child in a residential facility.

Children and young people in Germany who grow up under difficult conditions and their parents are to be given further financial relief.

According to the Federal Ministry for Family Affairs, the federal cabinet has initiated the abolition of the so-called collection of costs in child and youth welfare.

Children who live in an institution or with a foster family, and single mothers and fathers who are cared for with their child in an institution should no longer be involved in the costs. Previously, they had to give up to 25 percent of their income from training or other activities to the youth welfare office. Last year, the collection of costs had already been reduced from a maximum of 75 to a maximum of 25 percent.

According to the ministry, the complete abolition should motivate affected young people and parents more to start training or to take a job. The Bundestag and Bundesrat still have to deal with the law. It is scheduled to come into force on January 1, 2023.


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