False allegations: conspiracy theorists have to pay millions in fines

False Claims
Conspiracy theorists have to pay millions in fines

Alex Jones keeps spreading various conspiracy theories. photo

© Briana Sanchez/Pool/ZUMA Press Wire/dpa

In 2012, 20 school children were killed at Sandy Hook Elementary School. The statements by right-wing radio host Alex Jones that the massacre was a drama are now costing him a lot of money.

US conspiracy theorist Alex Jones has been ordered to pay more than $4 million in compensation to a victim’s parents for his false claims about a massacre at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Connecticut.

A court in Texas decided that, as several US media reported unanimously. Jones has previously claimed that the December 2012 shooting was staged by actors. A 20-year-old shot dead 20 school children and six teachers in Newtown.

parents complain

The victim’s parents had sued the right-wing radio host over his claims. You had previously described the effects of the 48-year-old’s lies. They demanded $150 million in compensation. The conspiracy theorist’s attorney argued the plaintiffs had failed to prove his client’s words actually caused harm. There should now be a separate, shorter process, which is about further damages. This could also be awarded if the court finds Jones’ behavior to be particularly offensive.

Jones has repeatedly spread various conspiracy theories in the past and, for example, claimed that the US government was involved in the September 11, 2001 attacks in New York. Lawyer for the plaintiffs, Mark Bankston, said after the decision, according to the New York Times on Thursday: “I hope that all other media people who see this and think that they can defame people in this way now know that there are very expensive consequences for doing so.”


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