Failed protest: demo against BBC in front of a fake London building – media

The confusion was maximum when the group of angry British opponents of vaccination wanted to disrupt the BBC’s news program: The protesters had gathered on Monday in front of a London building from which the British Broadcasting Company had not broadcast a program for years, according to British media . Youtube videos show how individual anti-vaccination opponents tried to storm the building they believed to be the station’s headquarters. The reason for their anger: The conviction that the BBC is running “vaccination propaganda” in its program.

The protesters found some women talking about menopause

The protest march had met in the early afternoon in front of the “Television Center” in West London. What the vaccination opponents apparently did not know: The BBC left the building for the most part in 2013. Most of the BBC employees are now in Portland Place, so the demonstrators had lost about five miles. According to the report, the public broadcaster only owns three studios in the “Television Center”. However, these have been leased to the private broadcaster ITV for years. This led to the protesters standing in front of the studios in which ITV, among other things, had its morning shows and the women’s program Loose women produced. Co-host Charlene White wrote on Twitter afterwards: “Not sure what the protesters were hoping to achieve, but all they found was me, Jane, Nadia and Penny who joined Loose women Talked about menopause. ”She also thanked the security forces.

Piers Corbyn, brother of former Labor Party leader Jeremy Corbyn, was among the demonstrators. In a live stream, the conspiracy fabulator, who had recently failed to apply for the office of mayor of London, called for the building to be “taken over”. After the police were able to prevent this with a human chain in front of the entrance and a helicopter operation, the protest broke up, according to media reports, without arrests. A smaller group then made their way to the actual BBC headquarters, but did not attract any further attention.

The BBC had recently become the target of protests by people who criticize the British government’s corona measures. In June they attacked the BBC reporter Nick Watt near the parliament building and insulted him as a “traitor”. BBC news chief Fran Unsworth recently suggested that journalists in her house should take self-defense training in the face of increasing death threats.


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