Faced with the proliferation of tiger mosquitoes, the mayor of Châtillon challenges the ARS

Châtillonaises and Châtillonais are fed up. The mayor of the city Nadège Azzaz has received numerous reports concerning tiger mosquitoes. A particular phenomenon given that the city of Châtillon (Hauts-de-Seine) does not have a pond or fountains in numbers, and is not crossed by a stream.

“I am very concerned about the health consequences that such a density of presence of these insects can have on the population”, she indicates. in a mail sent this Monday to the director of the ARS of Île-de-France. Nadège Azzaz adds that the inhabitants “in addition to the nuisance of bites, fear for their health”.

The mayor thus asked the ARS to communicate the effective measures that the regional agency can take in order to eradicate the invasion. “Could a city-wide mosquito control campaign be scheduled” by the ARS, questions the Mayor of Châtillon.

It should be noted that several measures have already been taken by the city of Châtillon “by mobilizing its services”: eliminate places where water can stagnate (green waste, used tires, bulky items), empty containers containing water (watering cans, saucers), change the water for plants and flowers every week, check that the gutters run smoothly, cover water reservoirs (cans, cisterns, basins) and swimming pools that are not in use.

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