Faced with “massive” Russian bombardments, the Alliance strengthens the line of defense

Did you miss the latest events on the war in Ukraine? 20 minutes takes stock for you every evening at 7:30 p.m. Who did what ? Who said what? Where are we ? The answer below:

news of the day

“Once again, the Russians are intentionally targeting places where civilians congregate. It’s terrorism pure and simple, ”denounced Pavlo Kyrylenko on Tuesday. The governor of the Donetsk region, to which Sloviansk is attached, immediately called on the inhabitants of the city of Sloviansk to evacuate. Indeed, while the Russian forces continue to advance in the Donbass, they keep the city of Sloviansk in their sights, the target of a massive bombardment which left at least two dead.

Pavlo Kyrylenko said on Telegram that two people were killed and seven others injured in the strikes which targeted the city’s central market. As for the AFP journalists, they saw rockets hitting the market and three others the adjacent streets. The market was on fire, with firefighters trying to bring the blaze under control.

After the fall of Lysytchansk on Sunday, the centerpiece of the plan to conquer Donbass, the Russian forces are progressing west and heading towards this city of some 100,000 inhabitants before the war. “Sloviansk! Massive bombardment of the city. The center, the north. Everyone stays safe, ”warned Vadim Liakh, the city’s mayor, on Facebook.

In addition, the French Ministry of Foreign Affairs confirmed Tuesday the death in Ukraine of a second French fighter, confirming information given Monday by the private radio RTL. “We have learned the sad news of this death,” said the Quai d’Orsay in a press release. “We extend our condolences to his family, with whom the services concerned (…) are in contact”.

sentence of the day

I’m from Kyiv, Ukraine, and in February my life changed forever. Not just mine, but everyone’s and especially people from my country. »

These are the words of the Ukrainian mathematician Maryna Viazovska, distinguished on Tuesday by the Fields medal, the most prestigious in her discipline. Maryna Viazovska is a professor of mathematics in Switzerland, at the Ecole polytechnique de Lausanne (EPFL) where she has held the chair of Number Theory since 2018. She is only the second woman, after the Iranian Maryam Mirzakhani in 2014, to receive a Fields Medal since the award’s inception in 1936.

The number of the day

7. This is the number of psychologists conducting several daily sessions there in a special course of the psychological rehabilitation clinic in kyiv, called “Sociotherapy”. According to Oleg Olichevsky, head of the therapy program opened last month, ten patients are currently following the course, but this number is expected to rise to 30 in the future: “This will be the main focus of work for the next ten or fifteen years. , because every inhabitant of the country experiences this traumatic situation. »

The trend of the day

Strengthening the line of defense against Russia… On Tuesday, NATO launched the process of integrating Sweden and Finland, which will enable the Alliance to organize a united line of defense from the Arctic to the Mediterranean against Russian forces. The signing of the accession protocols by the ambassadors of the thirty member countries opened the ratification process at NATO headquarters on Tuesday. “At 32, we will be even stronger (…) as we face the most serious security crisis in decades. (…) I am counting on the allies for rapid ratification,” launched Jans Stoltenberg, Secretary General of the Alliance.

And it is in this context of consolidation of the allied group that the two-day international conference organized in Lugano ended in an attempt to draw the outlines of the future reconstruction of Ukraine, the cost of which kyiv estimates at 750 billions of dollars. The declaration adopted on Tuesday in Lugano indicates that the signatories are “fully committed to supporting Ukraine along its journey”.

The document emphasizes that “the recovery process must contribute to accelerating, deepening, broadening and realizing Ukraine’s reform efforts and resilience in line with Ukraine’s European path”.

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