Faced with a “critical” situation, controls are stepping up in France

Checks are carried out at Gare de Lyon in Paris on March 27. – Thomas coex

Airports, tolls, stations … While the situation is “critical” in the face of the third wave of Covid-19 in France, according to the Prime Minister’s comments, controls began to be reinforced this weekend in the most sensitive departments . Nineteen territories are subject to new restrictions, and twenty-four others are placed under heightened vigilance.

Saturday morning, Gare Montparnasse, in Paris, a dozen teams were mobilized, “against two to three in normal times”, explained to AFP a police captain, specifying that the controls are accentuated “at rush hour” . In Bordeaux station, police officers checked the passengers of two trains coming from Paris. In total, 17 people were fined for lack of proof of travel.

More than 4,700 patients in shifts

Thursday, Emmanuel Macron had indicated that the coming weeks would be “difficult”. A new defense council must also be held Wednesday evening to decide on a possible tightening of sanctions. The number of patients in intensive care rose to 4,766 on Friday evening, approaching the peak of the second wave in the fall (4,900).

The bar of 200,000 new weekly cases has been crossed. A total of 94,302 people have died since the start of the epidemic.



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