Extreme weather: Parts of the USA continue to suffer from heat even after days

Extreme weather
Parts of the USA continue to suffer from heat even after days

The heat in parts of the USA is unbearable. The only thing that helps is a little cooling off at the fountain. Photo

© Alex Brandon/AP

The heat wave in parts of the USA is continuing. This is already reflected in health statistics. Some relief is in sight on the east coast.

In parts of the The USA has been experiencing sweltering heat for days. The US weather service expected the heat wave to reach its peak in the northeast of the country on Sunday (local time) and to move southward at the beginning of the week. In the densely populated region between the US capital Washington and New York, the US weather service continued to classify the heat risk as “extreme”.

Overall, heat warnings were still in effect for more than 100 million people in the USA on Sunday, from the East Coast through the Midwest to inland California. The warnings are based on a heat index that is intended to represent the perceived heat taking humidity into account.

In the region around the capital Washington, the highest temperatures in a long time were measured on Saturday, around 38 degrees in Baltimore, Dulles and Arlington. In the New England region further north, however, temperatures have already cooled somewhat. According to forecasts, there could be severe thunderstorms and tornadoes there.

According to a report in the New York Times citing the US Health Authority, the number of heat-related emergency room visits in the regions of the US most affected by the heat wave rose sharply last week.

Heat waves have become more severe and more likely worldwide due to climate change. Other countries are also currently experiencing very high temperatures, which can be fatal, especially for the elderly and sick. Hundreds of people are said to have died during the Muslim Hajj pilgrimage in Saudi Arabia this year, many of them due to the extreme heat.


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