Extreme weather in China: record heat and floods

Status: 05.07.2022 10:31 a.m

On the one hand over 40 degrees Celsius, on the other hand heavy rainfall and flooding: China had to contend with extreme weather in June. There is no relief in sight.

China is currently experiencing extreme weather. From the snow-capped peaks of Tibet to the tropical island of Hainan, temperatures hit record highs — while June saw record levels of rain in some regions.

According to the weather agency, the nationwide average temperature in June was 21.3 degrees. It was 0.9 degrees higher than in the same period last year. June was the warmest since 1961. According to the experts, there is no sign of a change in the weather situation. Higher temperatures and more precipitation than usual are forecast for most of July across much of the country.

The highest rainfall ever recorded

In northern Henan province, June 24 saw the hottest days on record in Xuchang, at 42.1 degrees, and Dengfeng, at 41.6 degrees, said weather expert Maximiliano Herrera, who monitors extreme weather events around the world.

At the same time, seasonal flooding occurred in several parts of the country, affecting hundreds of thousands of people. The provinces of Shandong, Jilin and Liaoning in the northeast recorded the highest rainfall levels ever recorded in June. The national average was 112.1 millimeters, up 9.1 percent from the same month last year, the weather agency said.

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