Explorations by the SPD and FDP: “Constructive”, but not very specific

Status: 03.10.2021 6:44 p.m.

The SPD and FDP held their first exploratory talks to form a traffic light government – in a “constructive atmosphere,” as both sides emphasized. Even if the content is quite far apart. In the evening, the SPD and the Greens as well as the Union and the FDP meet.

It was already clear before the explorations began that the talks between the SPD and FDP would not be easy – after all, there is a substantial difference between social democrats and liberals in terms of content. It fits into the picture that the two general secretaries Lars Klingbeil (SPD) and Volker Wissing (FDP) appeared in front of the cameras just under an hour late.

One thing is clear: the SPD will not be able to govern without the FDP. Klingbeil found correspondingly friendly words for the first meeting: the discussions were “very constructive”, and both sides were “very much oriented on the matter”. One is aware of the shared responsibility, after all, the country – keyword climate, digitization, Europe – is facing major challenges, according to the laudatory but concise statement by the SPD General Secretary.

Wissing also emphasizes what separates them

FDP colleague Wissing was then a little more detailed, but also left no doubt that there was still a long way to go before an alliance was to be found: “Of course it was also clear that our content-related positions differed on essential points,” said Wissing. For the FDP it is important to form a reform government. With whom this works best will only be assessed after all bilateral discussions. But Wissing also emphasized the constructive nature of the talks: All those involved were aware of the seriousness of the situation and did not want to “settle for the lowest common denominator”.

Justus Kliss, ARD Berlin, on the first exploration of the SPD and FDP

tagesschau24 6:00 p.m., October 3rd, 2021

Now the SPD and the Greens are talking, Lindner is putting pressure on

Immediately after the talks with the FDP, the SPD meets the Greens. The meeting is expected to be relatively straightforward – after all, the Greens made no secret of the fact that they have more in common with the Social Democrats than with the CDU and would therefore prefer a traffic light.

Later in the evening, the Union also joins the explorations, initially with the desired partner FDP. In view of the unrest in the Union and the weakness of its candidate Armin Laschet, these talks are likely to be more difficult – despite the closeness of the Union and the Liberals in terms of content.

FDP leader Christian Lindner reported doubts about a Jamaica coalition just hours before the meeting with the Union: “CDU and CSU must clarify whether they really want to lead a government,” Lindner told “Bild am Sonntag”. “Some of the speeches from the CDU speculate that negotiations with the SPD should fail before the Union comes back into play. You can’t expect our country to do that,” said the FDP leader.

Union is already debating personal details

After the historically poor performance of the Union in the federal elections, CDU leader Laschet is under massive pressure. There are also increasing voices in their own ranks calling for the party’s content and personnel to be realigned. “There has to be a federal party congress for this, no later than January,” said party vice president Jens Spahn of “Welt am Sonntag”. And added: “Nobody can deny that mistakes were made in the election campaign and that our top candidate did not draw properly.” Spahn is by no means alone with this stance: Several CDU politicians had called for a member vote on a new line-up if the Jamaica explorations should fail.

The SPD had become the strongest force in the Bundestag election last Sunday with 25.7 percent. The Union crashed to 24.1 percent. The Greens came in number three with 14.8 percent. Behind was the FDP with 11.5 percent.

Tagesschau live: SPD and FDP on their explorations

tagesschau24 5:00 p.m., October 3rd, 2021

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