Expert discussion: Information on photovoltaics – Ebersberg

Slowing down man-made climate change and at the same time creating more independence from the politics of the gas and oil exporting states – that’s what renewable energies can do. In the special session of the German Bundestag on the war in Ukraine, Federal Finance Minister Christian Lindner (FDP) even described renewable energies as “freedom energies”. As a non-profit organization of the two districts of Ebersberg and Munich, the energy agency provides neutral and citizen-oriented advice on all questions relating to “renewables”. In a technical discussion open to all citizens on Monday, March 14, starting at 7 p.m., PV expert Hans Urban will explain which houses have a photovoltaic system, what you should pay attention to when planning and whether the combination with battery storage makes sense is. After his lecture, which takes place online, the expert will be available to answer any questions. Participation in the online event is free of charge. Registration data can be found on the homepage of the Energy Agency Ebersberg-Munich:

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