EXCLUSIVE TO LA DEPECHE. The man beaten and crushed by a scooter testifies: “I missed a drama for a simple word”

the essential
Four days after being the victim of a savage attack on Place Saint-Pierre in Toulouse, the victim speaks for the first time. An interview with La Dépêche du Midi.

“I will never go out to Toulouse in the evening again”, promises Christian(1) in a soft voice. Four days after being the victim of a very violent attack during which he was run over, this 30-year-old bears no visible marks on his body, but he is psychologically scarred. He nevertheless agreed to give himself up to The Midi Dispatch. Interview.

On the video circulating on the internet, the images are appalling. How are you ?

I am broken morally, I have anger in me and a great incomprehension. I am also shocked. Will I succeed in resuming the course of my life? I do not know. But I positive

And physically, do you have any pain?

Miraculously, I have almost nothing physically. According to the examinations carried out at the hospital, I suffer from a simple fracture at the level of the cheekbone and a cranial traumatism. Nothing else. The medical examiner was very surprised that I was doing so well.

Do you have any memories of the evening?

At first yes. I was with three friends, place Saint-Pierre, for a drink. The evening proceeded normally. Then, on the way back, we took the bridge. During the trip, I met two young people who were traveling a little fast. I asked them to brake a little to avoid hitting a pedestrian. And there is the black hole.

Have you watched the video of your assault?

About fifty times, I think. The first time, when I realized it was me on the ground, I was shocked. It freezes the blood. I missed a drama for a single word, not even aggressive.

How do you feel about the bullies?

If they want to box, they register in a room. I didn’t ask for anything, I just wanted to go home quietly. Pfff, it’s Toulouse what.

What do you mean ?

I will never go out to Toulouse again. My brother had already been attacked for a cigarette, this time it’s my turn. I don’t feel safe.

Do you hope the police find the culprits?

The police will do their job well, I trust. I just want to be surrounded by my friends and family to get back on track. It’s very complicated morally there…

(1) first name changed

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