Ex-Chancellor: CDU: Schröder take away the income for Russian corporations

CDU: Schröder take away the income for Russian corporations

Ex-Chancellor Gerhard Schröder continues to be criticized for his business dealings with Russia. Photo: Kay Nietfeld/dpa

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Former Chancellor Schröder continues to work for Russian energy companies, and politicians still disagree on how to deal with this. Now there is a new suggestion.

In the debate about cutting the office equipment of former chancellor Gerhard Schröder, the CDU/CSU parliamentary group came up with the initiative to take away his income from working for Russian energy companies.

The SPD politician should not continue to earn millions for his activities in favor of Gazprom and Rosneft, said CDU MP Thomas Heilmann of the German Press Agency in Berlin.

“It’s relatively easy to do by issuing a corresponding ban on activities. Amounts that he would still receive would have to be paid in full to the state treasury,” explained Heilmann. He asked the scientific service of the Bundestag for an analysis of the legal way in which this could be done.

Schröder has been heavily criticized for not giving up his posts for Russian energy companies despite the Russian attack on Ukraine. Federal Finance Minister Christian Lindner (FDP) has therefore pleaded for his office, which is financed by the state, to be axed. CSU boss Markus Söder demanded that Schröder give back his privileges as former chancellor.


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