Ex-Archbishop Zollitsch admits mistakes in dealing with abuse – SWR Aktuell

The former Archbishop of Freiburg, Robert Zollitsch, has for the first time admitted to errors in the processing of allegations of abuse.

He made serious mistakes with his behavior and decisions at the time and also misjudged the dangers of renewed abuse Zollitsch in a video statement. Corresponding allegations against him relate to the time he worked as archbishop of Freiburg and as a personnel officer in the ordinariate.

Zollitsch: Church well-being was more important than concern for victims

The now 84-year-old Robert Zollitsch further explains that for a long time he was only concerned with the welfare of the Catholic Church and not with sympathy for the suffering of those affected and caring for the victims of abuse. A statement from Zollitsch on the allegations of abuse during his tenure had long been expected.

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