“Everything that is legal”: Barbara Schöneberger on her beauty interventions

“Everything is legal”: Barbara Schöneberger speaks openly about her beauty interventions

The moderator Barbara Schöneberger

© Jörg Carstensen / Picture Alliance

Barbara Schöneberger is one of the best-known presenters in Germany. In an interview, she now spoke about her professional beauty procedures.

She is one of the most popular and also one of the best-known presenters in Germany: Barbara Schöneberger, 48. She moderates successful formats such as “Do you understand fun?” or the ESC. Millions of viewers follow her performances at home in front of the television, which she sometimes wears in striking outfits. So far, however, she has hardly spoken about her little beauty secrets and what she does to ensure that stress and aging can hardly harm her skin and her appearance.

Barbara Schöneberger: With flashes of light to eternal youth

In conversation with “RTL“She now gave a little insight into her previous tricks and experiences. And she seems to have tried quite a few things: “Well, lately I’ve already started to do everything on my face and in the neck and décolleté area, which is somehow legal. So what is also possible,” admits Schöneberger. “There are such hot flashes that flash in there and allegedly then the old breaks and new things are created and so on,” she describes one of her beauty procedures.

colorful.de” asked a Munich specialist more precisely what that could mean. “The treatment that Barbara Schöneberger is talking about is the so-called IPL treatment, i.e. Intense Pulsed Light,” explains dr Markus Klöppel, specialist in plastic and aesthetic surgery in an interview with the online magazine. “This is a high-energy flash lamp that uses light to transfer energy to the cells. It is used to increase the skin’s own natural collagen production and to help the skin become more elastic and firm by stimulating natural collagen production. ” But the treatment can also be painful because this high-energy light is hot.

Last year, Schöneberger had a different opinion on such interventions, such as “bunte.de” reported. She said: “If you want to keep yourself really young, so really ‘young young’, then you have to intervene surgically – in a massive sense.” But she didn’t have enough free time to let the scars heal for so long, she explained at the time.

Sources: “RTL”colorful.de


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