Every visit by a waiter costs extra: the bar causes outrage with its fees

Additional costs for cutlery
Each visit of the waiter at the table costs extra: Bar causes outrage with arbitrary fees

20 cents “road toll”? Spanish bar has to justify extra charges. (icon picture)

© Christoph Schmidt/dpa

Every gear makes you slim? If you believe the guests of a Spanish bar, every course the waiter makes there is one thing above all slimmer: your wallet. A fee is therefore due for every visit to the table and even for the cutlery.

Sometimes you’re so engrossed in the conversation that you just can’t get around to looking at the menu. And then she stands there, the waiter, and curses because she has to turn off without having accomplished anything, so she puts it off right away. Or you wait so long for an order that you have to send the waiter back to the kitchen with the next order, so that a kind of circulatory system unfolds. A Spanish bar now benefits financially from the distances covered by the service staff and charges extra for each individual visit to the table on the terrace. It’s not the only questionable charge guests will find on their bill.

“Something strange happened to us in Benavente a few days ago,” reported an Andalusian on Twitter at the end of November. “Every time the waiter came to the terrace table to bring something: beer, tapas … he asked 20 cents.” In support of his claim, he posted the bill he received at Bar Imperial. The item “Servizio Terraza”, which means something like service on the terrace, is listed four times on this. Every time something new was ordered or brought, the waiter was charged 20 cents for going to the table. On top of that, one euro was added for a “Servizio cubierto”, a service. According to the guest, this was not a tip. The Andalusian has since removed the post with the bill from Twitter.

Cash should charge extra for travel expenses and cutlery

The straw that broke the camel’s back was the fee for the cutlery. Accordingly, he ordered a toast that was served without cutlery. The fact that he didn’t want to get his hands dirty cost the guest an additional euro. He says. However, an experience with which he does not seem to be alone. There are more comments in the Google reviews that describe similar experiences. Responding to one of the comments, the bar confirmed that some sort of trail fee would be added. “Every time you are served a drink on the terrace, a surcharge of 20 cents is charged,” reads. It might be easier to raise the price overall, but “we think it’s better if you know what you’re paying for.”

The bar also announced that it would change its approach. For example, informing guests about the fees before they are surprised with the bill. “We want our bar to be a place of fun and not left upset, not because of the price, which we think is fair but poorly explained,” the bar said.

While some Internet commentators were outraged by the charges, others didn’t see it that narrowly. On the contrary. A patio fee is nothing out of the ordinary. It does not apply to each course served by the waiter, but is charged per drink. One user argued that if you didn’t want to pay for it, you had to drink your drinks in the bar and not outside.

source: Twitter, dailymail


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