European elections: Sibylle Berg elected to the European Parliament for “The Party”

European elections
Sibylle Berg elected to the European Parliament for “The Party”

Sibylle Berg during the digital conference “re:publica” in Berlin in 2019. Photo

© Soeren Stache/dpa

Because there is no five percent hurdle in the European elections, even small parties can enter parliament, some of them with well-known candidates.

Sibylle Berg – known for her books and columns – has been elected to the European Parliament for the satirical party “Die Partei”. The party received 1.9 percent of the vote in Sunday’s election in Germany and thus has two representatives. Berg ran in second place, with the satirist and author Martin Sonneborn, who is the party’s chairman and has been a member of the European Parliament since 2014, taking first place.

Berg, who was born in Weimar and lives in Zurich, says she has published a total of 32 plays, 17 novels and various columns. The Berliner Ensemble has performed several of her plays, most recently two works that deal with the excesses of social injustice and the influence of digital technologies. A year ago, Berg complained online that she could not find an apartment in Zurich because they were too expensive or because writers were not taken on.


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