European Championships: Asia D’Amato wins gymnastics all-around

Status: 08/11/2022 8:05 p.m

The Italian Asia D’Amato won the first gold medal at the European Championships in the gymnastics all-around.

D’Amato won on Thursday (08/11/2022) with a score of 54,732 ahead of Alice Kinsella from Great Britain (54,132 points) and Martina Maggio (53,965) from Italy.

For Asia D’Amato, whose sister Alice also competed in the final, it is the biggest success of her career. D’Amato, 19, had won a team bronze at the 2019 World Championships. So now EM gold in the gymnastics all-around.

The German gymnast Kim Bui missed a medal in the all-around at her last European Championships. The 33-year-old from Stuttgart took eighth place. With 52,999 points, she missed bronze by almost one point.

A highlight awaits Bui at the end of her career. On Saturday (08/13/2022) she will compete in the team final together with Sarah Voss, Emma Malewski, Pauline Schäfer-Betz and Elisabeth Seitz.

Asia D’Amato, the all-rounder among Europe’s top gymnasts

The mode in gymnastics is not easy, it can be simplified as follows: There are apparatus finals and the team competition. Medals will be awarded in the all-around competition based on the results in these qualifying competitions. The women’s all-around event includes all four apparatus, i.e. balance beam, uneven bars, vault and floor.

You could also say: Gold medal winner Asia D’Amato is the all-rounder among Europe’s top gymnasts.


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